

    The training session will take place in or around your home, tailored to you and your dog’s needs. After each session, you will receive a follow-up email containing a personalized written curriculum, exercises, and resources to help set you up for success.

    I use a holistic approach to my training and can help with : reactivity, separation anxiety, resource guarding, human/dog aggression etc.


    This service is ideal for dogs who need to meet their daily dose of biological fulfillment in a controlled environment. I will be implementing skills that were taught through the private lessons. Dogs who have behavioral issues can be hike solo until we decide they can be integrated into a larger group (max 3 dogs).

    Clients who reside outside of the pick up and drop off radius may be charged a travel fee.


    For dogs who have never stayed with me before, I require a trial prior to a longer stay. The trial is AM to AM, it is mandatory and is charged as a boarding night. I want to make sure your dog will be ok staying with me and I want to give them a chance to get used to being around me and to see how they do in a new environment first. All dogs must be crate trained & sleep in the crate during their stay with me.




    This service is aimed towards people who have never tried this sport and would like to try it for biological fulfillment or trialing! Things we will be covering during our sessions include : odor hygiene, gear, search routines, container and hunting games, how to build drive, building independence, searching new areas/novel surfaces, introducing unexpected challenges like blowing odor, adding height or distractions to the search, building duration, trial prep and more … KIT IS INCLUDED!


    This service is aimed towards dogs who are in need of a more consistent hands-on approach for behavioral issues or basic obedience. The trainer will pickup your dog and work them throughout the day. This service includes a hike and field trips as well as pickup and drop off. You will be sent an email at the end of the day covering what was worked and skills you can implement at home. Things I can cover include : place, crate training, leash manners, e-collar training, reactivity, socialization, exposure, handling etc. Pick up around 11:30am and drop off around 5:30pm


    Training walks are designed to help your dog with any challenges they may have during walks. The trainer will be walking solo with your pup and working on training skills that are taught during lessons and fine tuning leash manners. This service requires an initial session, you will receive updates after the walk Things that can be addressed include : leash walking skills, e-collar and/or prong collar conditioning, heeling, proper use of markers, sensible socialization, environmental exposure etc.


    This service was created to help clients problem solve without booking a full 1:1 in person session. We will go over any questions you may have regarding your training plan, tools you are using or anything regarding behavioral issues your dog may have. After the call, you will receive an email with exercises and resources to help you tackle your challenges.